29 February 2012

Review appointment

Yesterday we attended our review appointment with Dr C. This is the first step in our second cycle of IVF. Dr C was, as usual, very empathetic and took time to see how we were feeling. We both felt that we would like to try again as soon as possible. This time she would like us to try an agonist cycle (as opposed to an antagonist cycle which we tried last time). It involves slightly different drugs and more injections, and it takes place over two menstrual cycles so the results will be a little further away, but apparently it is worth trying. My next period is due next week so I will call the clinic when it arrives to let them know, and then we will have an appointment scheduled.

12 February 2012


Dear A and D

Further to our recent conversation I write to confirm that I have made you an appointment for a medical review. This will be held on Tuesday 28th of February 2012 at 3.10pm at [clinic] with Dr C. Please note that both of you are to attend this appointment. Your treatment will be discussed and planned at this appointment.

As discussed we require the following tests to be updated:
Full screening blood tests (female) - We require A to have these blood tests updated and it is important that these tests are undertaken at a Medlab laboratory. We need the female bloods to be done on day 3 of your next cycle.

Please note that funding is allocated in advance, therefore there can be up to a four month delay before you can book on for your actual treatment cycle. Your specialist will advise you when you will commence your cycle at the appointment above.

Please call the clinic to confirm that you can attend this appointment or if you have any questions regarding the programme.

Yours sincerely ...

10 February 2012

A new appointment

The waiting list co-ordinator at the clinic rang me this morning and we have arranged a review appointment with Dr C for 28 February. That will allow time for me to have another set of day three blood tests (probably about the end of next week). Dr C has already told me that she wants to increase the stimulation medication that she will prescribe, which will help me to produce more eggs for fertilisation. Remember all those injections? So we're back to square one and hoping for better results this time.