31 January 2015

Stomach selfie!

Day five - still quite badly bruised! But I'm not sore at all and all four wound sites are healing nicely. I don't think my tummy button will ever look the same again...

29 January 2015


It's now three days after my surgery and I'm feeling pretty good. A bit dopey at times, thanks to the Tramadole painkillers I've been prescribed, but my wound sites are healing nicely and I haven't had any real pain, just some tightness. I also have an old shoulder injury which has suddenly worsened and that's not helping me sleep well. I've been hunching over a bit and I need to concentrate on my posture more. Today I will make an appointment to follow up with Dr Mc.

27 January 2015


After a morning spent deciding what to pack (too many books!), D and I went to the hospital in the city for my surgery at noon. First we went to the surgical admissions area, where I was weighed and checked and had a conversation with the anaesthetist. He explained about the procedure with the anaesthetic and the risks and I needed to sign some consent forms. He told us that the length of the operation depended on how much endometrosis, if any, they found, but that there was one person ahead of me in the queue so we would have to wait for a little while.