27 September 2012

Treatment summary

Dear A and D

We are writing to provide you with a summary of your last treatment cycle.

20 September 2012

A boy and a girl?

Yesterday started dramatically for me. I woke at about 6.20am with a slightly uncomfortable tummy. By 6.40am it was the worst abdominal pain I'd ever experienced. It was worse than period pain. It felt like my insides were on fire. I did what I usually do when I have pain: I put a wheat bag in the microwave, then held it to myself and paced up and down the hallway, willing it to stop. Eventually the pain started to come in waves, easing off for a few seconds before returning, then it faded almost completely. By then it was 7am and I was completely exhausted. I took the day off work and spent much of the morning sleeping. I wasn't so sure about eating, but for lunch I had a couple of kiwifruit and some almonds. All seemed fine until the same thing happened again about 3pm and at 9pm. Each time, a dull ache grew into excruciating pain, which lasted for only about 20 minutes before gradually fading away.

18 September 2012


Yesterday morning D and I went to the clinic for the egg collection. We weren't allowed to have anything to eat or drink and I was feeling the lack of coffee! We had to wait for a little while, then we were shown through to a little room where a nurse took my vital signs and I changed into a gown. She also gave me some medication to calm me.

15 September 2012

Second scan

This morning we went to have a blood test and then to the clinic to have my second scan. Dr P was in his usual form, chatting about an amazing new ultrasound machine he'd read about, but I'm used to it by now! Unfortunately some of the follicles that we saw on Thursday haven't grown very much, but I have four mature follicles, three on one side and one on the other. So rather than leave them for much longer, Dr P would like to do the egg collection on Monday. That means a day off for both of us and only one more injection for me.

13 September 2012

First scan

This morning D and I went to the clinic to have the first scan for this cycle. We have been on the Gonal-F injections for a week now, so it is time to see how many follicles have developed and when they will be ready for harvest. But first we went to the testing centre near the clinic to have a blood test done.

04 September 2012


This afternoon Nurse K rang with the results of yesterday's blood test. We are to start the Gonal F injections on Friday night. We will continue with the Buserelin, but we'll cut the dose by half. Another step ahead...

03 September 2012

Day one again

Yesterday afternoon I rang the clinic and left a message to let them know that my period had arrived overnight. This morning I went to the medical centre to have a blood test. This test will let us know when to start the Gonal F injections. I will be contacted tomorrow with the results.