It is only in hindsight that I can ask why I didn't call the clinic. The truth is that I thought this was a digestive complaint. I have experienced something like this in the past, years ago, and both times the doctor I saw told me that my gut had spasmed. Also, all the attacks had happened within about ten minutes of going to the toilet. It never occurred to me that the pain could have anything to do with the egg collection two days previously. Now I know!
So by this morning I was feeling quite beaten up. When we went to the clinic for our mid-morning appointment, I took my wheat bag with me. When we arrived at the clinic I told Nurse R all about the past day. She took my vital signs and gave me some paracetamol, and then went to talk to Dr P. He decided there was no reason not to go ahead. Although we'll never know for sure what the pain was, he did think it was related to the egg collection.
So then we were gowned up and taken into the little room with the stirrup chair. I'm even getting used to that now! The lab technician came in to speak to us and showed us a photo of the two embryos that were going to be transferred. One was at the eight-cell stage and the other was slightly further ahead. It was neat to see the photo. Then Dr P put the eggs up beyond my cervix using a long tube. It was completely painless and only took a minute or two. Before long, we were finished and dressed and on our way home.
I have felt very negative until now about this cycle. It just doesn't seem worth getting my hopes up after three failures already. But after this transfer, I feel quite different. Maybe it was joking about having one of each. Maybe it is the fact that there are two embryos this time and therefore two little chances. Only one of them has to make it - but wouldn't twins be wonderful? D isn't so sure! Whatever the reason, I am feeling more at peace this time. 1 October is the date for my pregnancy test.
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