12 September 2013


Dear A and D

Re: Appointment at [clinic]

As you have now booked on for treatment, an appointment has been made for you to see Dr P on Wednesday 9 October at 3.30pm.

If you have a positive pregnancy result the nursing staff will either change this appointment to a pregnancy ultrasound or change the appointment to an ultrasound scanning clinic.

However, if you are not pregnant, a follow up appointment is essential to discuss the cycle outcome and future treatment with your doctor.

Would you please call on [telephone number] to confirm or change the above appointment.

We wish you a very successful outcome.

Yours sincerely ... 

I rang the clinic to confirm the appointment and to clarify the first paragraph of the letter. Our appointment is now Thursday 10 October at 3.50pm with Dr C (she is who we normally see for our review appointments).


  1. Was this a mix-up, or did you ask for the appointment to be changed?

    Wishing you all the best,

  2. I'm not entirely sure! The wording "as you have now booked on for treatment" made me think it was a mix-up, but when I rang I said we'd prefer to see Dr C anyway, so we moved the appointment to a time when she was available. Fingers crossed, of course, that it'll be an ultrasound scan, not a review!
