27 September 2014

Transfer complete

This morning we went to the clinic for the embryo transfer. I had to drink a lot of water beforehand so that my bladder was full for the procedure and I was absolutely busting by the time we'd finished!

We met C from the lab first and she told us that one embryo in particular was looking very good for transfer. Three others were a little behind but were still doing fine. She will look in the morning to check whether they are suitable for freezing.

We were taken to the dressing area so I could put on a gown and then into theatre. We met Dr C and Nurse A was there as well. The procedure was very quick, just a quick ultrasound, then the speculum was inserted, my cervix was given a quick wash and then the embryo was brought through from the lab in a catheter. Dr C made the transfer and then the catheter was checked to make sure it was empty. Then I was released and finally able to go to the toilet! Before we left, I was given some written instructions and some more Utrogestan pessaries.

After we were done, we went to the library and had lunch, and we have a quiet afternoon planned. We're both feeling very positive this time. My pregnancy test is next Tuesday, ten days away.

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