11 November 2011


Today is day 21 so normally I would be preparing myself for a miserable few hours with some (ineffective) painkillers and a hot wheat bag. Of course, as one of the nurses told me at the clinic, "We've completely taken over your cycle", so I'm pretty sure that won't happen this month! My fingers are still crossed anyway. It's exactly a week until I find out whether I'm pregnant or not. Time is going very slowly.

Yesterday I was feeling quite miserable and I was sure I was premenstrual. I was weepy and very cross and couldn't seem to shake it off, at least until I had a visit from some old friends and a nice quiet evening with D to cheer me up. This morning I am feeling a lot better - except I was sick again! I've not been sick very often in the mornings since this whole process started, maybe once or twice a week, but enough to make me realise that all these hormones are messing with me in lots of different ways.

I have also given up alcohol. It's been a week since I had a beer, which is a long time for me! I'm not a big drinker at all but I have a beer with my dinner every night and I enjoy it very much. What with pregnancy and breastfeeding it could be well over a year before I have another one (though I have a six-pack in the garage that needs finishing if the test is negative!). We are also buying decaf coffee in preparation for going completely off caffeine soon. I have rediscovered chamomile tea with lemon and honey and also Black Adder tea - yum!

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