01 November 2011


Last night at precisely 10.45pm D gave me my last injection (hopefully my last ever!) of Ovidrel. Everything went smoothly and it didn't hurt at all. The Orgalutran burned a little bit for a few minutes after injecting, but not the other two drugs. I had forgotten that D was leaving very early this morning for a business trip so it was a late night for him. In 36 hours, actually closer to 24 hours now, we will be at the clinic for egg collection. I am feeling less excited than I was yesterday. I find that I am preferring not to think too far into the future. I am concentrating on just getting through the next few days!

1 comment:

  1. Take it one step at a time... any more than that can lead to the overwhelming feelings. So one little step at a time.

    Sending positive thoughts xx
