06 August 2012

Here we go again...

Last week I called the clinic as instructed to arrange our next IVF cycle and spoke to Nurse R. She posted me some new consent forms to sign, a lab test form for a chlamydia swab (a new requirement) and a note asking me to call on day one of my period.

Today is day one, so I duly rang the clinic again this morning and left a message. Another nurse (whose name I can't remember) rang me back and we went through a bit of confusion while she looked through my file. It would have been more helpful if she'd done this before calling. I don't find it easy speaking to the nurses when they don't seem to know what's going on or what happens next. I guess I'm worried that a step will be missed or something will go wrong. We eventually got everything sorted out, and the plan for the next couple of weeks is as follows: I will have a blood test on Wednesday (day 3), then a nurse will call me when the results have come through to arrange an appointment for D and I to sign the consent forms at the clinic, and we will also arrange a further blood test around day 14 to try to pinpoint ovulation. At least that's my understanding of how the conversation went!

The chlamydia test will be interesting. I've never had an STD as far as I know, and I'm pretty sure I don't have chlamydia. I don't even know the symptoms! So I hope that comes back clear. It apparently involves a blood test and/or a vaginal swab, so on Wednesday I will ask if I need to wait a week or two.

I am very pleased to be starting again but I am a bit apprehensive of the emotional and physical turmoil this involves. The process still seems like something out of our control that happens to us rather than with us, which can be challenging to those of us who like to be in control!

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering when you were starting the next round... I was about to get all pushy and DM you :)

    It all sounds hopeful and scary!! I agree with you regarding it being better if the nurse had read your notes prior to the call - you'd think that was just common sense... As for the control issue, I'm with you on that... No matter how much they try to involve you, there are so many things beyond your control, and that can produce so much anxiety. Anxiety, being one of the things they say to avoid when you're trying to conceive :-/

    As for the STD check, it makes sense to check... I hope it all goes smoothly...

    Sending positive thoughts your way,
